Anne Florence Vanden Perre Ostéopathe D.O.

Anne Florence Vanden Perre Ostéopathe D.O.

What if osteopathy could help you find more ease with your body?


Since her childhood, Anne-Florence Vanden Perre has been interested in the body and how it functions, in nature and in the universe.
After school, she enrolled in Physiotherapy studies. With her diploma in hand and curious to discover more, she followed postgraduate training in Muscle Chains and Osteopathy.
Since 2000, she has practiced osteopathy in private practice.
She quickly specialized in fluidic, visceral, cranio-sacral and fascial techniques. Gentle techniques but no less profound.
Always driven by a desire to discover more, she inquires and opens up to natural products and completely different techniques which allow her a greater understanding of people and bodies for those who come to consult her.

“Our body is a unit that interacts with its natural and artificial environment. The body and the mind are bathed and live in the same atmosphere. They are at every moment the result of this interaction.
We are far from being an articulated puppet. We are the result of our beliefs (which most often limit us but also support us), our emotions and those of the people around us.
We are a physical, psycho-emotional and chemical entity (the chemistry of neurotransmitters and hormones for example)

Registered in the register of Belgian osteopaths no. 010 30 493
Member of the European Register of Osteopaths

Osteopathy addresses functional disorders. It does not replace medical treatments. It can be complementary. Ask your doctor for advice.

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to understand in life.
Align yourself with the frequency of the reality you desire and that reality will manifest.
It can not be otherwise. It’s not philosophy, it’s physics.”
Albert Einstein


The osteopathic practice of Anne-Florence Vanden Perre is mainly based on 4 axes.
It is the body that guides each session towards the most appropriate techniques and how to combine them to relax the person’s body and relieve them of their ailments.


Fascia is a unique tissue that runs through the body from head to toe. It is related to all the structures that make up our body: bones, muscles, ligaments and joint capsules, aponeuroses, nerves, vessels, organs and viscera including the brain and its appendages.
For many years, osteopathy has addressed fascia and it is only recently that medicine has highlighted and recognized fascia as a unique bodily organ. Fasciatherapy is a gentle but nevertheless profound approach to liberation, both mechanical and psycho-emotional.


Our organs and viscera are connected to each other, connected to the bones by ligaments and in a privileged link with certain muscles. The so-called visceral techniques aim to restore mobility to the different structures between them and restore the sliding of the organs and viscera between them and on neighboring tissues. This approach makes it possible to considerably improve functional digestive, cardio-respiratory, urinary and gynecological disorders.


The skull-vertebral column-sacrum-coccyx axis is traversed by the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid. This liquid is animated by a rhythm called ‘primary respiratory movement’. Craniosacral osteopathy reharmonizes the fluctuation of this primordial fluid hampered by trauma, diseases (viral and bacterial) as well as stress in all its other forms. It is a gentle and liberating technique.
This approach has existed since the beginning of osteopathy (end of the 19th century) and we owe it to W.G. Sutherland.


This is a more recent approach that we owe to James Jealous (although some attribute it directly to WG Sutherland). Seen from the outside, there are many similarities with craniosacral osteopathy. It is in the subtlety of the balance point called fulcrum that the originality, precision and beauty of this approach are found.

Osteopathy is an art, a science and an unconventional medicine recognized differently depending on the country in the world.
In the USA, doctors are trained in osteopathy in their medical curriculum. 5% choose to associate osteopathy with their medical practice. In Great Britain, osteopaths are authorized to prescribe certain clinical and radiological examinations. In Belgium, osteopathy studies are long-term university studies. Once qualified, the osteopath continues his continuing education.

Anne-Florence Vanden Perre D.O., chose the cranio-sacral, visceral and fascial orientations mainly.

Osteopathy is recognized by complementary mutual insurance and by numerous insurance companies.
Reimbursement varies depending on the organizations and contribution choices.

Anne -Florence Vanden Perre graduated from the ULB-VUB Osteopathy school in 2000. Private consultation since 2000.

Osteopathy addresses functional disorders. It does not replace medical treatments. It can be complementary. Ask your doctor for advice.


Osteopathy begins at birth and helps the newborn arrive gently on the planet.

The indication of osteopathy for child and teenager
Osteopathy accompanies children and adolescents during their growth. It also helps with difficulties that may be encountered during schooling (concentration, learning)
Indications of osteopathy Adult Fasciatherapy Cranio-sacral osteopathy Visceral osteopathy Biodynamic osteopathy
The osteopathy is for every age. My soft practice as no restriction of age.

Osteopathy addresses functional disorders. It does not replace medical treatments. It can be complementary. Ask your doctor for advice.